When training to become a Yoga teacher, many people struggle with public speaking. As a form of physical exercise, yoga indeed is a force to be reckoned with.
For students who are in good health and who are not pregnant; the fold should be guided by the breath, while elongating the spine. When talking to athletes emphasize the fact that flexibility would boost their performance. A yoga instructor will slowly guide students through poses one at a time.
Couch potatoes do not have to worry because Yoga is not physical fitness, but it is complete health on the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional planes of existence. Yoga differentiates itself from other exercises as it draws on the entire person as a whole. There is a tonne of information on the internet and narrowing down what you are looking for can help immensely.
Add some color and fun into your daily yoga practice by involving your friends who would also benefit from practicing yoga. Luckily, yoga does not take that much time.